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college code MBI
Admission hotline : +91 9061063801 / 485 2837801
college code MBI
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Mechanical Engineering

Student Projects (B.Tech)

Name of Faculty
Students Involved
Name of Project
Name of Faculty: Mr. Elson Paul V
Students Involved: Anurag VS
Johnpaul Joshy
Sofin Joseph
Sooraj PK
Design And Fabrication Of Bulb Turbine (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Nedheesh Eldho Baby
Students Involved: Ashif Salim
Alvin Eldhose
Amal Joseph
Ashok PV
Design And Fabrication Of Smoke Less Portable Campfire Pit (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Albin David
Rino Thomas Ambattur
Basil Eldho
Basil Gibi
Devadarsh manoj
Cloth dryer using UV and IR (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Chethan Roy
Students Involved: Aswin S N
Faiz EM
Alan Joy
Eldhose K Kurian
Industrial Passion Fruit Pulp Separator (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Vijay Raj M M
Students Involved: Amal Varghese
Arjun S
Rinosh KR
Eldho Varghese
Floating Oil Skimmer Using Belt Mechanism (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Justine Thomas
Melvin Geo Sunil
Abhinav Surendran
Kalidas MB
Akash K
Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System Using Engine Exhaust (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Robin Reji
Adithya Arun
Eldhose Kuriakose
Ashlin K Rajan
Solar Panel Cleaning Robots (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Jeswin Eldho
Alen Denny
Anandhu J
Alan Paul Benny
Solar Tracking Using Gravitational Potential Energy (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Govind Suresh
Dilkas Sudheer
Athul N J
Augustine Jose
Wind Turbine Blade Optimization (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jikku George Kuruvila
Students Involved: Sooryanand D
Jithin Vijayan
Johanna Jobi
Amos Sunny
Solar Panel Cooling (2020-2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Afnas Kader
Abison Joy
Jobin A J
Rithik Roshan
Small Scale Wind Turbine using Rooftop Ventilator (2020- 2024)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jikku George Kuruvila
Students Involved: Giss Shaju
Harikrishnan VS
Eldhose joy
Anandu V T
Design and Fabrication of FFD printer in closed system and Analysis of Optimal Atmospheric Temperature (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jikku George Kuruvila
Students Involved: Amar Kareem
Revin Raju
Roopesh saife
Muhammed Raees
Numerical Integration of Engine Cover Fins (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jikku George Kuruvila
Students Involved: Abin Paul
Ajith Rajendran
Justin Raju
Joshwa Antony
Machinability study of Monel 400 on PMEDM (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Eldhose Byju
Basil Eldhose
Anand Vinees
Manu George
Acoustic Fire Extinguisher (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Elson Paul V
Students Involved: Adithyan M Vijayan
Jishnu Mani
Basil Jijo
Don Shaji
Manufacturing and Testing of Plywood Composite with Natural Fibre as Reinforcement material (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Ajith Sekhar
Alan Eldhose
Basil James
Eldho Darly
Experimental Analysis of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants to Replace R134a in Domestic Refrigerator (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Dr. Paulose Paulose
Students Involved: Aswin Sachith
Basil Varghese
Kiran T Prasad
Muhammad Jeseel M K
Design of VAWT Blades and find the Optimum Angle of Attack (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Abin Baby
Arjun V Thomas
Ashbin Stephen
Aswin Mani
Numerical Modelling on the effect of Nanoparticles on R134a Refrigeration System (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Elson Paul V
Students Involved: Abhijith K Santosh
Abraham Paul
Thomas Babu
Basil Roy
A New Improved Locking buckle using Tubular Latch Mechanism (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Naveen B Parappattu
Students Involved: Rijoy Paul
Ashlin K.J
Abrin Ajith
Eldose Reegal
Analysis of an UAV Stability under various parameters during Takeoff and Flight (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Melvin Saloo
Anandhu Raju
Ananda padmanabhan
Development and Evaluation of AI7050/TiN/Co Hybrid Composite (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Dr. Paulose Paulose
Students Involved: Vivek V Nair
Jithin Joshy
Arya Binu Sankar
Alex B Puliapurath
Design and Analysis of Hybrid Tidal-Wind Turbine (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Philip ben john
Albin bobby
Joel Shaji
Ebbez Shaju
Design and Analysis of vertical axis wind turbine (2019-2023)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Eldhose Lomy
Students Involved: Vinayak Harikumar
Jasir Basheer
advanced floor cleaning (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Sam Jose
Jimmy Benny
Ebin P Vellookkattil
Jithin John
CFD Analysis of Variable Geometry Scramjet Inlet (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Naveen B Parappattu
Students Involved: shalbin shaju
sony varghese
shion reji
Pedal Powered Reverse Osmosis Water Purification (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Anil M G
Students Involved: Jibin sleeba
Stephin James
Machinability studies in cnc turning (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Nevil Johnson
Students Involved: Joyal Chacko
Nabeel Ali
PA Rizwan
Stephen Kora
Design and analysis of multi-element winglet to minimize induced drag (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Dr. Paulose Paulose
Students Involved: Thalhath Jalaludheen
Mebin Biby
Nazif Latheef
Nelvin Davis
Electric jack (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Aswin M
Krishnadas S
Swaminadhan AB
Sarath Sajeev
Static Thermal Analysis Of Fins Model Using Ansys (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jijo Varghese
Students Involved: Jimin George
Amal kirshna
Anandha Kirshnan
Machinability studies in CNC turning using cryo treated tools (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Nedheesh Eldho Baby
Students Involved: Basil Biju
Basil Rajan
Jeslish James
Bins Binoy
Transporting Heavy Machinery and Equipments (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jikku George Kuruvila
Students Involved: Eldhose Mathai
Jibin saji
Peter c Oommen
Giyo George
Design and analysis of Inlet manifold in GDI Engine using helical port (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jijo Varghese
Students Involved: Christy kuriakose
Reemo k dominic
Varghesekutty john
Optimizing machining parameters of super alloy (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Paulose John Paul
Santu thampi
Aravind g nair
Arjun Suresh
Name of Faculty: Mr. Nedheesh Eldho Baby
Students Involved: Basil Rajan
Basil Biju
Energy Feasibly study of Hybrid Wind Turbine (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Albin Abraham
Austin Joseph
Anandhu Natarajan
Arun sasidharan
Solar Powered Air Cooling system for Idle Parked Cars (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jijo Varghese
Students Involved: Anandha Krishnan
Amal Krishna
Machinability studies in CNC Turning using cryo treated tools on Monel 400 (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Eldhose Lomy
Students Involved: Adithya Krishna
Akash V S
Aravind P S
Basil M Aleyas
Design and Analysis of Drainage Cleaning System (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Jikku George Kuruvila
Students Involved: Abin sam
Alfin Stephen
Basil Benny
3D Printing Film Manufacturing from Waste Plastics (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Vijay Raj M M
Students Involved: Aswin A
Basy Mathew
Ben N Thondungal
Experimental analysis on shell and tube type heat exchanger (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Basil G Paul
Students Involved: Arun Raj
Allen Shaji
Anandhu Vikraman
Amalraj N J
Effect of wavy leading edge modification on airfoils (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Naveen B Parappattu
Students Involved: Azad Venu
Arun VV
Amal Saji
Experimental investigations on surface roughness and MRR of bio medical titanium alloy during wire-cut EDM (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Alias Paul
Students Involved: Arjun Suresh
Basil Sabu
Adhil Aliyar
Akhil Rajendran
Head Motion Controlled Wheelchair with joystick (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Elson Paul V
Students Involved: Abhijith KH
Amal Raj
Amees Sainudheen
Allen M Jose
EDM hole drilling of Ti6Al7Nb (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Saju Haneef
Students Involved: Aravind G Nair
Arjun Suresh
Automatic sidestand for 2 wheelers (2018 – 2022)
Name of Faculty: Mr. Abhilash K V
Students Involved: Abin KS
Domestic Pyrolysis Unit (2018 – 2022)

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