Admission hotline : +91 9061063801 / 0485 2837801
college code MBI
Admission hotline : +91 9061063801 / 485 2837801
college code MBI

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Innovative Teaching Learning

“Innovative teaching and learning” refers to the use of novel or creative approaches, methods, and strategies in education to enhance the learning experience and outcomes for students. It involves moving beyond traditional methods and embracing new ideas, technologies, and pedagogical practices to engage students more effectively and achieve deeper learning. innovative teaching and learning aim to inspire creativity, foster a love for learning, and equip students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to succeed in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. It encourages educators to explore new methodologies and adapt their teaching practices to meet the evolving needs of learners in the 21st century.

By employing strategies such as flipped classrooms, peer learning, blended learning, and inquiry-based learning, educators can foster deeper understanding, critical thinking, and practical application of knowledge. The ultimate goal is to create a more effective, student-centered learning experience that prepares students for future success.


The Jigsaw Method is used in educational settings to divide a topic into segments, with each student becoming an “expert” on one segment and teaching it to their peers. This approach enhances engagement, encourages collaboration, and deepens understanding of the subject matter through interactive group activities.

Flipped Classroom Model:

The flipped classroom model reverses traditional teaching by having students engage with instructional content, like video lectures, outside of class. This allows class time to focus on interactive discussions, problem-solving, and hands-on activities, fostering deeper understanding and practical application of concepts. By promoting self-paced learning and personalized instruction, this approach enhances student engagement and critical thinking in subjects such as Electrical CAD

Mind mapping:

In the Life Skills class, we employed mind mapping to leverage visual thinking and enhance understanding beyond traditional methods. This technique encouraged students to visually organize concepts and relationships, promoting creativity and critical thinking. By facilitating nonlinear exploration of ideas, mind mapping fostered holistic understanding and adaptability in approaching complex topics.

Peer learning:

Peer learning is implemented to create an interactive classroom environment where students collaborate and support each other’s understanding. Through seminars on different subjects, students present and discuss assigned topics, fostering deeper comprehension and knowledge exchange. This approach not only enhances academic performance but also cultivates communication skills and collaborative learning strategies among students.

Project-Based Learning (PBL):

Project-based learning immerses students in real world projects that cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. By aligning these type of projects with curriculum subjects, students gain practical experience and deepen their understanding of theoretical concepts. This approach equips students with essential skills for professional success, including critical thinking, effective communication, and teamwork, preparing them for future challenges.

ICT Enabled Teaching:

ICT-enabled classes utilize LCD projectors and a variety of digital resources like PowerPoint presentations, videos, and online platforms such as NPTEL to enhance classroom instruction. Students benefit from a digital library stocked with scholarly resources and video lectures, fostering independent study and research skills. Faculty promote collaboration and real-world application through community websites supporting student projects and preparing them for contemporary challenges.

ACADEMIC YEAR : 2023 - 2024

Course Code & Course Name : EST 102 PROGRAMMING IN C

Name of the Faculty :  Asst. Prof.Jimson Varghese

Class :  S2 EEE

Date/s of Implementation :  01-05-2024


Cooperative learning is an innovative teaching method that involves students working in small groups to collectively tackle tasks, solve problems, and enhance understanding of subjects through shared efforts and peer-to-peer interaction. This approach not only promotes academic success but also develops social skills by emphasizing teamwork, communication, and mutual responsibility among group members.


Name of the Faculty :  Asst. Prof. Rini Varghese P

Class :  S7 EEE

Date/s of Implementation :  07-08-2023


A student-led seminar is an innovative teaching method where students take the lead in organizing and conducting discussions on selected topics. This approach empowers students to delve deeply into subject matter, develop their research and presentation skills, and facilitate peer learning by engaging their classmates in interactive dialogues and debates, thereby enhancing their understanding and mastery of the content.


Course Code & Course Name : EED416 PROJECT PHASE II

Name of the Faculty :  Asst. Prof. Dr. Arun Eldho Alias

Class :  S8 EEE

Date/s of Implementation :  01-12-2023 to 01-03=2024


Project-based learning immerses students in real world projects that cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. By aligning these type of projects with curriculum subjects, students gain practical experience and deepen their understanding of theoretical concepts. 2020-2024 batch students of Electrical and Electronics department have done a 50KW solar installation as their final year project

Training and Placement Cell

A fully-fledged Training & Placement Cell is working towards better opportunities for its students and bridges the gap between prospective employer and candidate.