Admission hotline : +91 9061063801 / 0485 2837801
college code MBI
Admission hotline : +91 9061063801 / 485 2837801
college code MBI

Funded Projects

SL.No Project Name Funded By Total Grant
Received (in INR)
Funded On Status
1 Energy Efficient Electric Vehicle with Energy Recapturing Technology KSCSTE (Govt.of Kerala) 12,500 18-02-2017 Fund Received
2 Retrofitted Cargo Vehicle MBITS College Management 80,000 15-02-2023 Fund Recieved
 3 Imlementation of 50KW ONGRID solar power plant at MBITS Campus Mar Thoma Cheriya Pally 20,00000 21-01-2024 Fund Recieved

Training and Placement Cell

A fully-fledged Training & Placement Cell is working towards better opportunities for its students and bridges the gap between prospective employer and candidate.