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college code MBI
Admission hotline : +91 9061063801 / 485 2837801
college code MBI

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Innovative Teaching Learning

Innovative teaching methods are transformative approaches designed to enhance student engagement, improve academic performance, and promote equitable learning by addressing the diverse needs of students and real-world challenges. These methods move beyond traditional lecture-based instruction, incorporating technology, collaboration, and active learning to create a dynamic and interactive educational environment. By employing strategies such as flipped classrooms, peer learning, blended learning, and inquiry-based learning, educators can foster deeper understanding, critical thinking, and practical application of knowledge. The ultimate goal is to create a more effective, student-centered learning experience that prepares students for future success.

In the ECE department, various innovative teaching methods are utilized to enrich the learning experience. The flipped classroom model allows students to review lecture material at home and engage in collaborative projects and assignments during class time, fostering peer-to-peer interaction and personalized teacher support. Peer learning strategies, including discussion seminars, peer support groups, peer assessment schemes, and collaborative projects, encourage students to work together, share knowledge, and develop critical thinking skills. Blended learning combines traditional classroom experiences with online tools, offering students flexibility and control over their learning paths. Additionally, simulation assignments immerse students in real-world scenarios, enhancing practical skills and problem-solving abilities. Course projects, a form of project-based learning, provide hands-on experience in applying theoretical concepts to real-world applications, promoting deeper understanding and retention. Together, these methods create a holistic and engaging learning environment that supports student growth and development.

Flipped Classroom Model

The Inverted Learning Approach Model represents a departure from conventional teaching methods by shifting the focus of instruction from in-class lectures to pre-recorded materials accessed outside of class. Utilizing the Flipped Classroom Methodology, students engaged with pre-recorded lectures prior to class, enabling focused participation in practical exercises during in-class sessions. These activities, complementing lecture content, promoted hands-on learning and enhanced comprehension. Across disciplines like Electromagnetics, Information Theory & Coding, Digital Image Processing and Programming in C, students were encouraged to utilize NPTEL video lectures and online resources to augment their understanding within the flipped classroom framework.

Peer Group Learning

Peer group learning is encouraged as it’s really helpful to uplift weak students. Students use the facility available in the library, hostel or classrooms for peer group learning especially during their study leave and exam times. It was found very effective in improving the academic performance of students. Peer teaching and assessment methodologies permeate a diverse array of disciplines, including Biomedical Engineering, Network Theory, Real-Time Operating Systems, Constitution of India, Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Optical Fibre Communication and Industrial Safety Engineering.

 Project Based Learning

Project based learning immerses students in real-world, interdisciplinary projects that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Electronics and Communication Engineering Department spearheaded various initiatives, including the development of COVID’19 Triage Mobile App, CNU Mobile App, JIVANA Mobile App, Community Sanitation Stations and Mask Vending Machines in collaboration with the IEDC and NSS units of the institution. KTU included mini projects and main projects in the curriculum during S6, S7 and S8. Instead of assignments, course projects are conducted from the third semester onwards for certain courses like Logic Circuit Design, Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers, Internet of Things etc. For the course project, each student selects a topic related to their respective course, after proper discussion with the guide. After selecting the topic, PPT presentation, demo presentation and report submission are also to be done.

ACADEMIC YEAR : 2023 - 2024

Course Code & Course Name :  ECT 426 Real Time Operating Systems

Name of the Faculty :  Hyma Joy

Class :  S8 ECE

Academic Year : 2023-2024

Date/s of Implementation : 30/05/2024

Brief Description 

The “Innovating Education: Strategies for Modern Teaching” seminar aims to introduce educators to groundbreaking teaching methodologies designed to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. This seminar will provide insights into the latest trends in educational technology, active learning techniques, and personalized instruction, equipping teachers with practical tools to transform their classrooms.


Course Code & Course Name :  ECT302 ELECTROMAGNETICS

Name of the Faculty :  SHAINY PETER

Class :  S6 ECE

Academic Year : 2023-2024

Date/s of Implementation : 13.05.2024

Brief Description

Laboratories are wonderful settings for teaching and learning. The concept of standing waves existing in waveguide is discussed in Module V. The students get more clarity about the concept, while having hands –on experiment in the laboratory. The students were able to observe the standing wave pattern in a rectangular waveguide and measured the standing wave ratio and reflection coefficient and ensured the range of value. This gave the students better understanding on standing waves.


Course Code & Course Name :  ECT202 ANALOG CIRCUITS

Name of the Faculty :  Asst. Prof. Soumya Markose

Class :  S4 ECE

Academic Year : 2023-24

Date/s of Implementation : 13/05/2024

Brief Description

In this course, an Experiential learning method is adopted which emphasizes learning through direct experience and reflection, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. This hands-on approach helps students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in a realistic context. Topics include design and simulation of Colpitts oscillator, series voltage regulator and current series feedback amplifier.

Simulation assignments can effectively bridge the gap between theory and practice, providing students with valuable hands-on experience and enhancing their learning outcomes.


Course Code & Course Name :  ECT414 Biomedical Engineering

Name of the Faculty :  Sherin Thomas

Class :  S8 ECE

Academic Year : 2024

Date/s of Implementation : 16/04/2024

Brief Description


To enhance the understanding and application of flame photometry through a flipped classroom model, fostering active learning and practical skills in biomedical engineering students.

Pre-Class Preparation

  1. Instructional Videos and Readings:

Course Code & Course Name :  ECT 352 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING

Name of the Faculty :  JEENA JACOB

Class :  S6

Academic Year : 2023-2024

Date/s of Implementation : 12/04/24

Brief Description

Simulation of histogram equalization

Histogram equalization is a technique in image processing that adjusts the contrast of an image by redistributing the intensity values. Histogram equalization is a powerful technique for enhancing the contrast of images, particularly those with poor contrast or a narrow intensity range. It can be applied in various fields such as medical imaging, satellite imaging, and digital photography for improving image quality. Simulation of histogram is done in MATLAB using the command “histeq”.

Training and Placement Cell

A fully-fledged Training & Placement Cell is working towards better opportunities for its students and bridges the gap between prospective employer and candidate.