It is our pleasure to announce that Dept. of Civil Engineering MBITS, Kerala, India is organizing an International Conference on Innovative Practice in Sustainable Engineering and Technology IC-IPSET’24 on 29th-31st of July 2024 in association with Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) , National Institute for Technical Teacher’s Training and Research (NITTTR), Institute of Engineering India (IEI) Kochi local centre , India Concrete Institute (ICI) Kochi and MECAFFERI .
There are keynotes and plenary talks at the conference. Many of the speakers are a pioneer in their research area, also having high google scholar citations. The conference also provides best paper awards, special session invitation and invitation for a special issue journal. As this provides a platform to share your research ideas and meets pioneer speakers in the field of your interest, we request you to take this opportunity to be part of this conference by contributing your papers, attending the sessions and keynotes lectures.
For paper submission, please log on to: Submit Here
Authors are invited to submit papers in AIP format for review(max of 6 to 10 pages). All accepted and presented papers will be published in conference proceedings with ISBN numbers and Selected Peer review papers will be Published in Scopus Indexed Conference Proceedings (AIP Conference Proceedings)
Conference mode : Hybrid
Contact details:
For any inquiries, please contact us at:
Phone:Prof Veena Jayakrishnan (+91 97453 65116), Prof. Kailas G Nath (+91 7306844581)
Brochure : Click Here
Registration: Click Here
All accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings with ISBN number
It is our pleasure to announce that Dept. of ECE, MBITS, Kerala, India is going to organize an International Conference on Signal Processing, Instrumentation & Communication Engineering, SPICE’2k24 on 09-10th February 2024 technically and financially sponsored by Management of MBITS in association with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). There are keynotes and plenary talks at the conference. Many of the speakers are a pioneer in their research area, also having high google scholar citations. The conference also provides best paper awards, special session invitation and invitation for a special issue journal. As this provides a platform to share your research ideas and meets pioneer speakers in the field of your interest, we request you to take this opportunity to be part of this conference by contributing your papers, attending the sessions and keynotes lectures.
For paper submission, please log on to: Submit Here
Authors are invited to submit papers in standard IEEE format for review(max of 6 pages). All accepted and presented papers will be published in conference proceedings with ISBN numbers.
Foreign authors – permitted to present in online mode
Contact details:
For any inquiries, please contact us at:
Phone: Dr. Sajin C.S (+91 9497269462), Prof. Robin George (+91 9446789968)
Brochure : Click Here
All accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings with ISBN number
MBITS Alumni Association Cordially Invites You for
1st Global Alumni Meet 2023
9th December 2023, 10:00 AM
Venue : MBITS Auditorium
“Three Days Faculty Development Program ”
Intelligent Connections: Exploring the Synergy of AI and IoT Devices
Program Objective:
Organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, MBITS in Association with IEEE Kochi Subsection & ReverTech IT Solutions
Platform : Offline
Experts from industry and academicians working in specific areas as mentioned in the program contents will be handling sessions.
Registration fees:
Non IEEE Members : Rs. 750/-
IEEE Members : Rs.500 /-
Food and Accomodation included.
For any queries, contact:
Asst. Prof. Robin George : +919446789968
Dr. Sajin C.S: +919497269462
“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow”
IEEE SB MBITS gladly presents you with a Distinguished Lecture Program organised by and Kochi on 19th August 2023.
The session will be handled by Prof. V John Mathews, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Oregon State University. We invite all intellectual people to our program.
For queries
Prof. Robin George : +919446789968
Dr. Sajin C.S: +919497269462
NCICST ’23 – National Conference on Innovations in Computer Science & Technology
25th & 26th May 2023
Organized by Department of CSE in association with CSI Cochin Chapter
Mar Baselios Institute of Technology & Science [MBITS]
Nellimattom P.O, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam, Kerala-686693
NACC Accredited.
All accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings with ISBN number
A fully-fledged Training & Placement Cell is working towards better opportunities for its students and bridges the gap between prospective employer and candidate.