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Admission hotline : +91 9061063801 / 485 2837801
college code MBI

MBITS CSI Student Chapter Inauguration

Professional Associations

The Computer Society of India is a non-profit professional meet to exchange views and information to learn and share ideas. The department of Computer Science and Engineering has formed CSI student chapter in our college with 147 student members and 4 faculty members.

8 December, 2022

The CSI Student Chapter at Computer Science and Engineering, MBITS was inaugurated on 08/12/2022 at 11 AM. The program started at 11 AM in DR. K.P.J. Reddy Seminar Hall, St. Thomas Block. It was started with a prayer song by CSE Students, followed by welcome address by Mr. Midhun Mathew, HOD, Department of Computer Sconce and Engineering. Then the Principal’s Address was given by Dr. P. Sojan Lal, Principal, MBITS. The inaugural Address was given by Dr. Dhadesugoor R Vaman, Senior Executive Director, DRJ Telecom, USA. Texas A & M University Regents Professor, USA (Retired).
Keynote Address was given by Er. P. S Antony Joseph, Patron, CSI Cochin Chapter,Managing Director, AQA Quality Management Systems Pvt. Ltd., Cochin. Felicitation wasdelivered by Nima Elizabeth Saju, S5 B.Tech. (CSE) and Hagen Joby, S3 B.Tech. (CSE). Thesession was concluded by vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Suji Pramila R, Coordinator, CSIStudent Chapter, MBITS. 147 CSI members and all staff members of CSE department attended the program.


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